When you're entering a church for the first time as a guest, it can be a disorienting experience! Here are a few things to look for and to expect when you first attend our church.
Elements of worship
We welcome everyone to join us for our Sunday morning worship service, in which we exalt Jesus as King through prayer, reading scripture, hearing the scripture preached, celebrating Communion, singing, and giving financially.
Not a believer?
If you are not a believer in Christ, thank you for joining us! We hope that our time of worship will deeply affect your soul. On Sundays in which we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, please observe but do not participate in this particular celebration, since the Lord’s Supper is intended only for believers.
If you are a guest with us, we’re glad to have you be a part of our worship. While we consider it a blessing to give financially as an offering, please feel under no obligation to give during your visit.
If you are wondering what is considered appropriate to wear, you will discover that most of us dress in anything from casual wear to semi-formal dress. Please come in whatever comfortable clothing you feel honours the Lord God.
Duration of worship
Our worship service typically lasts for about 1½ hours, followed by an informal time in which members of our church catch up with and encourage each other over refreshments in the foyer.
Welcome Centre
Located in the foyer, our Welcome Centre is the place to go for further information about our church, its ministries, and helpful resources. Please stop by and sign our guest book as a gesture of appreciation!
Child care
During our Sunday morning worship service, the nursery is open throughout the service for infants up through children three years of age. There is a TV in the nursery so you can follow along with the service.
During the first half of worship service, parents are encouraged to include their children in the worship. Prior to the sermon, we invite children (Preschool through Grade 6) forward and pray for them, then dismiss them to Junior Church for the remainder of the service. Parents may pick them up following the service.
Further Information
What we believe: Our Affirmation of Faith
What we value most: Our Values
How we minister: Weekly Discipleship
Contact information: Contact Us
Financial donations: Giving
2262 Read Crescent
Squamish, BC V8B 0L1
(604) 898-3737
Worship Service
Sundays at 10:00 am