BK Smith
Lead Pastor
BK was called to serve as Lead Pastor of Squamish Baptist Church in 2018.
BK came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ just before entering Middle School while attending a Daily Vacation Bible School at a gospel-centred church in his hometown of North Bay, Ontario.
For the first 36 years of his life, BK grew up, went to University and worked in Ontario, living in cities such as North Bay, London, Ottawa and Toronto where he also served predominantly in University student ministries alongside his churches and para-church ministries. During his working years, BK served with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) as an Intelligence Officer.
As BK’s love for ministry ensued, so did his desire for further training. In 2004, BK enrolled at the Master’s Seminary (TMS), in Los Angeles California with a desire to be under the training of John MacArthur. BK graduated in 2007 with an M.Div, and he later completed his D.Min in Expositional Preaching at TMS in 2020.
Since graduating in 2007, BK has served in full-time ministry as Church planter and Lead Pastor in Decatur, Illinois and Victoria, BC.
While living in Victoria, BK met and married the love of his life, Daniella.
BK’s heart is to proclaim the Word of God without apology and to see people become committed followers of Jesus Christ who are committed to helping others follow Jesus and grow in obedience to God’s Word.